阎文喜教授,河南长葛人,1937年生。著名油画家,国家一级美术家。中国美术家协会会员、陕西省美术家协会顾问。1984—2010年担任陕西省油画艺术委员会主任、陕西省美术家协会常务理事、中国国际文化交流中心陕西分会理事、西北美术院院长、榆林地委宣传部副部长、陕西省文学艺术界高级职称评审委员会委员等。他自幼酷爱美术,1962年在广州美术学院油画系本科以优异的成绩毕业留校任教。1965年初,被国家选拔调入当时新组建的全国最权威的油画机构—文化部“中国油画院”为专职画家。那里聚集了如王式廓、全山石、林岗等一批国家优秀的艺术家。1967年应邀在湖南长沙、韶山等地进行历史画创作,当时曾引起很大反响的巨幅油画《秋收起义》《井冈山会师》(均为600厘米×400厘米)即在此时创作完成,时年29岁。1968年,在广东省委领导下,组织领导广东省美术创作组工作,并创作完成油画《转战陕北》。1971年应邀参加中国革命博物馆历史画创作组,完成油画《六届六中全会》等。1972年调入陕西省美创组参加有关组织工作,创作完成巨幅油画《延安文艺座谈会》等作品。1975年任陕西省美术、摄影工作室美术组组长。1978年陕西省美协恢复,调入美协供职。1955年开始发表作品,多次参加国家级美术大展并数次获奖。作品曾到南斯拉夫、罗马尼亚、日本、美国、泰国、马来西亚、新加坡等国及中国香港、台湾地区展出。在北京、西安、兰州、新疆等地数次举办个人油画展。曾在东京、达拉斯(美国)、台湾地区举办个人油画展。1990年应邀率团出访新加坡,成功举办西北四省区的中国西部油画展并进行艺术交流。1998年应美国PTP国际文化交流协会的邀请,率中国陕西艺术家代表团出访美国,在纽约、华盛顿等多座城市进行访问、讲学、艺术交流,取得丰硕成果,并被美国堪萨斯城及拉达斯市政府授予两市荣誉市民。后又出访俄、意、法、德、瑞、奥、匈、荷、比、卢等欧洲十余国。被中国美术馆、国内有关博物馆、中国台湾、香港地区、日本、美国、比利时、新加坡、马来西亚、泰国、加拿大等国家及有关外国政府收藏作品百余件。出版《新疆油画写生》《阎文喜油画集》(台湾)《阎文喜油画作品集》《当代中国油画名家—阎文喜画集》等画集数种。他为人忠厚、谦和,是位视艺术为生命且甘心为此献身的艺术家。他的油画色彩凝重、响亮,笔触概括、洗练,构成博大、苍茫、沉郁而又深玄境界的油画《无声的古原》为代表的一批作品,正是他所力创的“西部画风”的基调。他擅长人物画与风景画以及历史题材等巨型作品的绘画创作。游刃有余的造型技巧,独具匠心的色彩素养,沉雄博大的气势,使其作品具有强烈的艺术感染力而动人心魄。基于他全面的艺术学养与深邃的美学思维,在广泛研究吸收西方艺术精华的同时,巧妙融入中国艺术重神韵、重意境的优秀传统,取得了极大的成功。多年来他诗意昂然的油画作品及其深厚的艺术涵养,扎实的油画功力备受海外瞩目和赞誉。美国资深美学家乔斯·考克斯(JOYCE·CO)教授认为他的作品中涵盖印象派诸大师的艺术精华,深为其迷人的油画色彩而欣喜叹服。他锲而不舍研究西画的同时,在中国画、书法、雕塑、漆画等领域也卓有建树。传略已被收入《中国美术辞林》 《世界华人艺术家成就大典》《中国艺术家专集》《世界名人录》 《国际优秀艺术家辞海》 《世界人物辞海》等20余部中外大型辞书。(摘自人民日报社文化事业中心专题部编印的《盛世中华·中华精英篇》)
Brief Introduction of Yan WenXiProf.
Yan Wenxi, a celebrated contemporary oil painter, was born in Changge, HenanProvince, China in 1937. Being a national-level artist, he has been granted many honorabletitles to date. He owns the membership of Chinese Artists Association, he serves as theDirector of the Oil Painting Art Committee and Executive Director of Artists Associationin Shaanxi province. Other positions are Shanxi branch Director of International CulturalExchange Centre of China; President of Northwest Art Institution; Deputy Director of YulinParty Committee Propaganda Department; member of senior professional title JudgingCommittee of Shanxi provincial Literary and Art Circles.Main achievements: He has been an advent lover of the arts since he was a little boy. Hegraduated with distinction achievements at the Department of Oil Painting in The GuangzhouAcademy of Fine Arts, and was appointed to the faculty upon graduation in 1962. In 1965, hewas elected as a full-time painter in the top Oil Painting Institution of the day—National OilPainting Academy of the Ministry of Culture, where abounds with excellent artists like WangShikuo, Quan Shanshi, Lin Gang and so forth. He was invited to embark on historic paintingsin Changsha, Shaoshan and other cities in Hunan province in 1967. The huge oil paintings—Autumn Harvest Uprising and JingGang Mountains Rendezvous (both 600cm×400cm), whichevoked enormous repercussions, were created at that time when he was 29. In the followingyear, under the leadership of Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, Yan led the GuangdongProvincial Fine Arts creating team and completed the oil painting, From Yan’an to NorthernShaanxi Province. In 1971, he was invited to join the historic painting creating team—ChineseRevolutionary Museum and finished The Sixth Plenum of the sixth Central Committee andother works. He was transferred to Shaanxi Provincial Fine Arts creating team the next yearand completed the giant painting, Yan’an Forum on Literature and Art as well as otherworks. He was the leader of Shaanxi Provincial art and photography studio in 1975. He helda post at the Artists Association in Shaanxi Province after it was back into work in 1978.He frequently attended National fine art exhibition and had won many prizes. Many of hisworks have been exhibited in many countries, such as Yugoslavia, Romania, Japan, America,Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and also Hong Kong and Taiwan. He has held many Personaloil painting exhibitions in Beijing, Xi’an, Lanzhou, Xinjiang and even Taiwan, Tokyo, Dallas(in America) etc.In 1990, he was invited to lead a delegation and visit Singapore, where he successfullyheld the Western China oil Painting exhibition, which mainly covered the region of fourprovinces in northwest of China and conducted art exchange among the area. In the year 1998,he led Shaanxi artist delegation to America in response to an invitation from American PTPAssociation of Intercultural Exchange. During the trip, they visited cities such as New York,Washington and achieved fruitful results. Besides, Yan was made an honorary citizen by bothKansas and Dallas city governments. Thereafter, he visited Russia, Italy, France, Germany,Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and other EuropeanCountries. More than one hundred of his works were collected by National Art Museumof China, other relevant domestic museums, so does many foreign governments of Japan,American, Belgium, Singapore, Malaysia Thailand, Canada and so on. His published paintingcollections include Oil Painting Sketches of Xinjiang, Yan Wenxi Oil Painting Collection, YanWenxi Oil Painting Works Collection ,the contemporary Chinese oil painting "Yan WenxiPaintings"and so on. Being an honest and modest person, Yan values art so much that he iswilling to dedicate his whole life to it. His works are somber and vibrant-toned, sharply lit.The Silent Ancient Tableland, which creates a sense of splendor, boundlessness together withsullenness and profundity, is a genre painting of his unique painting style, known as the "Western China Style". He excels in figure painting, landscape painting and giant historicpainting. His excellent picturing skills, unique coloring technique, and magnificent grandeurbestow his works an appealing and captivating artistic feeling. On the premise of profoundunderstanding of art and aesthetics, he blended in Chinese good artistic tradition which valuesspirit and mood while absorbing the essence of western art, and achieved a great success. Hislyrical oil paintings have captured the minds and hearts of thousands of art lovers from bothhome and abroad for years. Prof. Joyce.Co, a famous American esthetician, pointed out thatYan’s works contain the artistic essence of impressionists, and marveled at his fascinatingpaintings. Apart from persevering in the study of Western painting, Yan also excels in Chinesepainting, calligraphy, sculpture, lacquer painting, etc. His biography has been compiledinto more than twenty large dictionaries all over the world, including "Art Speech-lam ofChina", "The Dictionary of the Achievements of World Chinese artists", "China ArtistBiography", " The World's Celebrities ", "The Dictionary of International ExcellentArtists", "Dictionary of the World's Celebrities".
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